Earlier this year, 52 senators voted for reform, including seven Republicans.
Today's final tally: 59 in favor, including 14 Republicans, and 39 against.
A clear majority of the House, including five Republicans, supported the bill.
However, both received endorsements from other unlikely parties, including Republicans.
More than 330 members of Congress, including 103 Republicans, have objected to the plan.
More than 111 members signed it, including 62 Democrats and 49 Republicans.
He has been meeting with politicians and labor leaders, including Republicans, in an attempt to enlist their support.
An additional 59 voted against waiving the budget law, including 15 Republicans.
But supporters of the limits, including several Republicans, said they did not take the veto threat very seriously.
And he said his constituents, including many Republicans, had taken notice of events in Washington.