There are six joinable faction, including Nomads, Travelers, Scholars and Warrior Priests.
The officials arrested 19 people and charged them with conspiring to defraud several insurance companies, including Geico, Allstate and Travelers.
Several other companies have also increased their estimates of losses recently, including Travelers, which doubled its estimated losses from Andrew last week to $500 million to $600 million.
But many companies, including Travelers, Aetna, Allstate and Pacific Mutual, have sold their unprofitable individual-customer lines.
Several big financial companies, including Travelers and Merrill Lynch, have expressed interest in owning commercial banks.
Other companies, including Travelers, Prudential and State Farm, also plan to reduce their exposure to losses in the state.
Other companies including Travelers, American Express and General Electric would likely have considered bidding for Dean Witter.
Several big insurers fell to new lows, including Travelers, which fell 2, to 14 3/8, after a new low of 13 3/4.
Some, including A.I.G. and Travelers, sold surety bonds to Enron that guaranteed delivery to its customers on gas and oil contracts worth $1.5 billion.
Many companies highlighted by Mr. Crystal's analysis, including Travelers, disputed his valuations of new stock option grants.