Its social organizations cover a wide range of interests, including government, recreation, community service, activism, the arts, and academics.
The school has shown its consistent performance in every walk of growth prospectus including academics.
The group is made up of major retailers including Tesco, farmers and academics.
The project sought to collaborate with the world's leading experts including academics in each therapeutic area.
He is advised by a trust and a group of experts including academics from Cambridge.
All others, including academics, students on educational trips, and volunteers, may need visas.
A number of international experts took part including distinguished jurists, academics, church leaders and human rights activists.
This spelling is retained by some, including academics (see references).
On the other side, many people, including artists, minority groups, consumer advocates and academics, say the rules should be maintained.
The document has since been signed by more than 2,532 people (as of January 2013), including 436 self-described current and former academics.