Today, leftists in the Democrat Party want voting opened to non-citizens, including illegal aliens.
Most other citizens, including welfare recipients, illegal aliens and prisoners, have the right to seek court reviews of bureaucratic decisions.
Judge Kenyon concluded that in drawing up districts the overall population, including young people and illegal aliens, should be used.
Still, relief workers are concerned about whether they will succeed in bringing their services to immigrants, including illegal aliens, who may fear contact with the Federal Government.
Hispanics haven't been looked at carefully, and we hope to get data on this population, including illegal aliens.
Naval bases here are said to be easily entered by unauthorized people, including illegal aliens from Mexico.
Kris wondered if they had been chosen because, being Irish, they seemed to get along with anyone including aliens.
Kris thought the voice sounded like the same one that had protested including aliens.
Players may tackle disasters including dinosaurs, giant robots, tornadoes, aliens, fires, and meteorite impacts.
It also introduced several new characters of various races and backgrounds, including humans, mutants, aliens, and other anthropomorphic creatures.