Recorded in 10 different places, including apartments, basements, living rooms, and even a cabin.
About a quarter of the town was destroyed - an estimated 2,000 buildings, including a medical school, apartments and a hospital building.
Simeon ran another quick scan of the station, this time including apartments left empty by the evacuation.
The panel called for offering residents several options, including small group homes or apartments, supervised by nonprofit groups, in residential buildings.
The building will include seven vertically-stacked 30-story 'neighborhoods", including apartments, offices, and hotels.
Within a few years, several thousand houses had been constructed, including single family homes, duplexes and apartments.
The plan calls for other commercial development, as well, including apartments, stores, restaurants and other small retail businesses.
The suits charged financial mismanagement, including buying apartments and a yacht with company assets.
Additionally, 18 pieces of property are believed to belong to him, including apartments, house and real estate which he leased for profit.
The officials cited safety concerns, including an inadequate number of fire exits and illegally constructed apartments in the basement.