During the war, Hussein used chemical weapons on at least 10 occasions, including attacks against civilians.
The program provides 40 hours of training on how to respond to emergency situations, including terrorist attacks.
Nearly a dozen of those, including attacks on military buildings and soldiers, have occurred since February.
It was the site of almost daily incidents, including major attacks in 2008 and 2010.
They see him as someone who not only complains about conditions in eastern Germany, but also stands ready for action, including attacks on foreigners.
They continue to endorse the uprising, including attacks on Israel.
Sure enough, including these and other omitted attacks more than doubled the estimated 2003 death toll.
Reports of violence elsewhere continued, including attacks that killed two American soldiers and a marine.
She set 21 school records, including most career kills, attacks, and digs.
There was further violence, including attacks upon US installations, on the following day.