Other leaders outside of the government have banned books, including religious authorities.
However, it is also relevant to those considering delegation in two-tier areas, including principal authorities.
It has worked with different stakeholders including official authorities as the necessity of its auxiliary role.
I look to those responsible, including local authorities, to use these resources wisely and to improve the value for money in the services they buy.
Search contacts within a specific category, including government departments, local authorities, business support organisations and professional bodies.
These firms tend to have a broad range of clients, including public sector bodies, government departments, universities, local authorities, companies and financial institutions.
Not everyone believes the dollar is going to fall further, including monetary authorities around the world.
It is funded by a partnership of 15 organisations including environmental bodies and local authorities.
Many citizens, including military authorities, believe that it is likely to work, and that belief seems widely reflected in Congress.
That is why we developed this strategy of partnership with the Member States, including regional and local authorities.