He used that spotlight over the weekend to appeal to the base of his party, including blacks and liberals.
Dark-skinned people, including dark blacks, are not immune to sun damage.
Later, the Mayor's aides contended that his policies had helped all the city's residents, including blacks.
"Everybody, including blacks, likes to have people like them around," he said.
The other candidates in the mayoral race insist that they have not written off any group, including blacks.
The remaining six schools have a higher number of non-whites, including blacks and Asians.
Instead, the federation has subsidized other organizations representing women and minorities, including blacks.
It covers the history of ethnic groups (usually not including blacks or Native Americans).
From the founding of the nation until the early 20th century, immigrants had a civic voice that many citizens, including blacks and women, did not.
"The party has to get more comfortable with people, including blacks," he said.