The program included all sorts of related music, including blues.
Drum kits are used in most types of popular music, including rock, jazz, country, blues, and many others.
There's live music most nights, usually from 9pm, including rock, jazz and blues.
While very involved in sports, the boys eventually became interested in music including jazz and blues.
Triplets are used in many styles of music including blues, rock and country.
The songs cover a wide range of musical genres, including blues, country and folk.
All types of music, including blues, jazz, and rock, are heard from the main stage.
In each of these, he is including jazz and blues right alongside classical music as serious forms that youngsters should understand.
The tuning has also been used in many other styles of music, including blues, country, folk, and classical.
On a weekend, you can hear practically any kind of music, including jazz, heavy metal, rock, pop or blues.