Like the federal government, state governments are divided into different branches, including legislative and executive branches.
Full-tree harvesting also refers to utilization of the entire tree including branches and tops.
At its peak it had 350 resident patients and 2,000 members including various branches.
Tantia Group of Higher Education including ayurved college and other various branches.
A ten-point bonus is awarded to the player who has the longest continuously connected set of routes, not including branches.
To help both sides learn reconciliation there are more than a dozen international relief organizations here, including various branches of the United Nations.
People located in the U.S. can use their telephone or the web to charge payments to various government entities including federal, state, and local branches.
The company supplies 2,300 institutions, including schools, old-age people homes, prisons and branches of the armed forces within the UK.
The state represents all the government bodies affecting industrial environmental management, including administrative, legislative, and judicial branches at different levels.
Most European car rental agencies, including branches of American companies, will not rent to a driver over 70.