Since 1992 considerable restoration work has been carried out, including ceilings, stone floors, and leaded windows.
The house is unusual because so much of its original interior finish, including ceilings and board partition walls, have survived.
It is, he said, "on the high side" for the neighborhood because of the store's "exceptional construction requirements," including a column-free design and 18-foot ceilings.
Other damage was also severe as the machinery hall was destroyed, including the roof, ceilings, and floor.
The interior's woodwork, including the doors, panelling, and ceilings, is made out of oak.
He pointed to other inconveniences, including low ceilings in several rooms that make visitors more than 6 feet tall feel cramped.
The house retains some original medieval features, including a kitchen, fireplaces and beam-and-board ceilings.
It has original details, including fir floors, a claw-foot bathtub and high ceilings.
The muons penetrate virtually everything, including the walls and ceilings of buildings.
They are also able to scale sheer surfaces including walls and ceilings.