Business reports may contain information on a variety of formats, including text and numbers, charts, tables or even sound and video.
The respondents also appear comfortable receiving several risk measures, including charts, narrative descriptions and statistical measures.
The text is approximately one million words, and over 1850 pages including pictures, maps, charts, index, and appendices.
All first-hand records from the voyage, including logs, paintings and charts, were lost when Whitehall Palace burned in 1698.
Ample supporting material, including fascinating illustrations and charts.
In a demonstration, Adobe showed 110 pages of a popular computer magazine, including full-color photographs and charts, compressed into just a few megabytes.
Reports are sliced, allowing clients to purchase individual sections including chapters, charts, graphs and tables.
You can print these documents in their entirety, including charts and other graphics.
Exhibitions include historical land reform documents including land reform campaign literature, charts, and photographs.
The fourth attack using depth charges produced wreckage including charts, signal books and cork insulation material.