The milk is used to make various signature products, including ice cream, cheese, and yogurt, which are sold on campus.
Containing more than 500 display pieces, the museum is divided into four sections, including livestock, milk, butter and cheese.
The Mongols rarely drank milk fresh, but often used it to create other foods, including cheese and yogurt.
But the dairy industry has bent over backward to provide low-fat products for a variety of items including milk, cheese and ice cream.
It has been noted for its use of local food products, including cheese, mussels and greens.
Rates start at $110, including Continental breakfast and wine and cheese in the afternoon.
It is made of nine different ingredients including dried cheese and various grains.
Buffalo wing is one of a trio including blue cheese and honey-mustard.
The shows are today surrounded by stalls selling all things traditional to the Dutch culture, including cheese.
Rooms for two are $85 to $150, including breakfast and wine and cheese in the afternoon.