What we do know is that there are a number of factors including diseases and changing climate that could be playing a part.
We need to fully understand human interventions in natural systems, including climate and ecology.
The incidence of Lyme disease is tied to many factors including climate.
The ocean and lakes play an integral role in many of the Earth's systems including climate and weather.
Due to several factors, including climate, weather, and terrain, there is a great variety of plants within the coast region.
This is due to the country's favourable conditions including continental climate and the plains that make up about half of Hungary's landscape.
These habitats are the consequence of a combination of several different factors including climate, geology, relief and land use.
High index values are the result of many factors, including climate, topography, soils, and a lack of disturbance.
In addition, the distributions of many species can be quite fluid and easily altered by a number of forces, including climate.
On the other hand, the Convention must take account of new data, including, of course, climate change.