Having had a painful or bad experience at the dentist, including insensitive comments made during your visit.
More than 800 substantive contributions were received, including comments, e-mails, alternative drafts and references.
It is an impressive issue, including comments by seven people who have studied the problem.
The group agreed that any convention member could submit a written "observation," including comments from technical experts, by Sept. 27.
The statement chronicled events in the case from start to finish, including comments on any possible manipulation of media outlets.
The left-most column shows the elements, including comments and processing instructions, at the root level.
Anecdotal evidence, including comments made by employers, business groups and entry-level workers, suggests hardly anyone does or needs to.
Move your keyboard mouse onto specific seats and you get a paragraph of remarks, including comments on which ones should be avoided.
Second, he said, the agency would issue more frequent responses to comments on the study, including comments from the company.
We would welcome your comments, including questions about our work or comments on our website.