In part, this is because private enterprises can use filter technologies for any reason they choose - including to block access to unpopular viewpoints or even competitors.
The banquet is attended by over 1,000 guests, including competitors, leading bankruptcy judges and practitioners.
The company said the system, which it is calling the Document Services Platform, will be available to others in the field, including competitors.
Microsoft executives said they would be willing to talk to companies, including competitors, about most of its intellectual property.
Companies, including potential competitors, are responding to Lilco.
Ecology is another aspect to look at including its predators, prey, and competitors.
The 1948 Games had 46 entrants, including competitors from Argentina, Portugal, and Brazil.
During summer months, a square dance and a rodeo including local and regional competitors take place every week.
The Web consortium has representatives from many technology companies, including competitors of Microsoft.
When it finally reached the market, many people, including competitors, were surprised by how many features it had.