Meanwhile, letters from readers about the theatre - including complaints of oversexuality unfitting for young women - were published.
There were many local protests, including complaints about the size of the structure.
But the mall was also beset with problems, including rent strikes by store owners and endless complaints about security and maintenance.
It was proposed that rail matters in London, including complaints, be handled by Passenger Focus.
And we want to require the health department to grant access to all records, including safety plans, prior violations and prior complaints.
A customer advocacy policy encompasses all aspects of customer contact, including products, services, sales and complaints.
His article led to a huge public reaction, including complaints from what he called "tribal and religious groups."
In the hour-long show, he and his brothers tackle community problems, including complaints filed against government officials, policemen.
Ensure that arrangements are made for the protection of users, including complaints handling.
Already, there are signs that the honeymoon may be over, including complaints about the rapid speed of the production line.