Among the requirements are college credits, including courses in math and accounting, or equivalent experience.
It runs events locally at the medical school including talks, workshops and courses.
The program offers the advantages of a small, intimate college, including special courses, seminars, and individual counseling.
It seeks to bring together people involved in criminal justice through various means, including publications, conferences, and courses.
Shortly thereafter, additional and more advanced training programs were added, including courses in commercial radio operation.
Including purchased courses (forward and reversed), the total number of tracks comes to 22.
The center offers a number of student-oriented initiatives, including courses on political communication and public policy.
Those figures do not include several categories of classes, including special education, courses with fewer than 10 students and some electives.
It offered a classical education, including courses in the classics, mathematics, science, and music.
The library offers services to people from 60 countries, including courses in English as a second language.