Accused felons, including violent criminals, would continue to be processed at 100 Centre Street.
The channel's programming, as the name suggests, is made up of the biographies of famous people, including bands, politicians and criminals.
Gizmo created a corporation which supplied technology to various people, including criminals.
There's no doubt in my mind that movies and plays and books give people plot ideas, including criminals.
Tolerated and ignored by the government, more people started to occupy the buildings including criminals.
Information on the Internet is very public; it can be seen by anyone in the world---including criminals, future employers, and governmental bodies.
The experience has happened to people of all ages, including small children, and from all walks of life, including criminals.
With expanded memories, increasingly sophisticated organizer tools and sharper cameras, they are playing ever larger roles in the lives of almost everyone - including criminals.
Many big names including well-known political prisoners and notorious criminals have spent time in the Central Jail at Laxmisagar.
The bill would require a seven-day waiting period before anyone - including lunatics and criminals - could buy a handgun.