Jefferson has been memorialized in many ways, including buildings, sculptures, and currency.
As a member of the Commonwealth, Lithuania retained its institutions, including a separate army, currency, and statutory laws.
Today demand is rising for savings products, including gold, hard currency and structured products.
The museum exhibits artifacts and finds from excavations throughout the village including Roman currency, weapons, uniform etc.
There are a variety of market approaches to different asset classes, including equity, fixed income, commodity and currency.
Powers including defense, foreign affairs, and currency were retained by France.
It has enormous sums of money, enormous money in accounts, including foreign currency.
Many well-known uses of silver involve its precious metal properties, including currency, decorative items, and mirrors.
He is especially noted for his depictions of paper objects, including currency.
On the center and the left, most politicians and intellectuals supported further European integration, including a monetary union and common currency.