He said the administration would be concentrating on other areas, including cuts in contracts with nonprofit agencies that provide social services.
But he said that other injuries, including pelvic cuts and a bite mark on her buttocks, occurred after death.
Shaving can have numerous side effects, including cuts, abrasions, and irritation.
Five officers were treated for injuries, including cuts, a broken finger and torn ligaments, the police said.
The savings stem from many causes, including cuts made by Congress, low inflation and efforts to rein in fraud.
His campaign says they total $1.3 billion, including cuts in the income, gasoline, inheritance and corporate taxes.
The Rangers suffered several injuries, including serious cuts and bruises.
But it has many flaws, including unacceptable cuts in Medicare and other domestic spending.
The officials said it was being considered as an alternative to other severe actions, including cuts in school aid.
Including cuts at local district offices, the overall plan would reduce staff by 1,500 and save more than $300 million.