He opposed such restrictions but was under pressure to sign the overall bill because it provided money for dozens of Government programs, including national defense.
Completely abolishing every other program, including national defense, will not be enough to prevent a substantial spending increase.
It will include activities which cannot be guided by commercial criteria, including defense, health care, education, science and culture.
But any agreement must be balanced, including defense and revenues.
The firm focuses its practice on litigation, including state and federal criminal defense.
Correspondingly, the share available for all other programs, including defense, has decreased, as shown in figure 14.
The meltdown in technology has made other areas relatively attractive, including defense.
He is open to cuts in across the budget including discretionary, defense and entitlement spending.
There are now British advisers in several ministries, including defense and finance.
Powers including defense, foreign affairs, and currency were retained by France.