All sides, including most Ulster delegates, wavered towards favouring agreement.
However, Paul's campaign projected 42 delegates based on the same results, including delegates from Colorado, Maine, and Minnesota.
There were perhaps thirty-five present, including the Synthesis committee, the bodyguards, and various delegates.
Including delegates chosen in party conventions however, Taft had a 571-439 margin, placing him over the 540 needed for nomination.
The board of directors consists of 80 persons, including representatives from each state affiliate, as well as at-large delegates.
Someone marveled that the Massachusetts contingent, including delegates, servants and outriders, would number close to a hundred men.
The conference was expected to draw 50,000 participants, including delegates, environmental activists, business leaders, and indigenous groups.
Some people, including certain delegates in this House, are trying to trivialise the issue.
By this time their gatherings, held symbolically in the open air, had come to number more than two thousand, including delegates from England and America.
The conference was attended by major political figures, including delegates from other political parties.