Nonetheless, those participating in the study, including developers and neighborhood groups, said the city's policies were deeply flawed.
That enables landowners, including developers, to qualify for the state's farmland assessment program.
Large projects require many roles to be filled, including developers, build managers, and quality assurance personnel.
The company employed 21 people including graphic artists, developers and musicians.
The 15 defendants held positions including: property owners, developers, contractors, and seven city of Chicago inspectors.
Clients including government, operators, financiers, regulators, developers, international agencies and other interest groups in over 50 countries.
But opponents say that many major companies, including developers and waste haulers, would meet the "fewer than 50" test.
But many here, including developers, have doubts about the city's ability to mold itself into a corporate magnet.
As the debate intensifies, it is important to remember that all of us, including developers, have an interest in orderly growth.
Most of the rest, Ms. Graham said, came from companies that do business with the city, including developers and lawyers.