It can be powered by different types of fuels, including gasoline and diesel.
But the public sector still controls the petroleum industry, including gasoline and diesel, cooking gas and kerosene.
The diesel fuel that is produced has various names including green diesel or renewable diesel.
The engine can use a variety of fuels, including jet fuel, gasoline, diesel and Marine Diesel.
It can burn a variety of fuels, including natural gas, diesel, gasoline and methane.
At decommissioning, decades of industrial use had left the site contaminated with heavy metals and hydrocarbons, including diesel.
Different power sources were tried out, including electric and diesel.
Methods of traction varied, including rail cars, diesel, electric and occasionally steam.
While most companies recommend a particular type of fuel in the owner's manual, engine manufacturers do not warrant fuel, including regular diesel.
A variety of small engine types can be used including LPG, diesel or electric traction.