It is based on many factors such as country and life style including smoking, diet, and exercise.
Many factors, including genetics and diet, have been implicated in the development of prostate cancer.
Many factors can affect the rate of metabolism, including exercise, diet, temperature, and hormones.
Several factors are known to contribute to the onset of type 2 diabetes, including diet, obesity and aging.
She attributes this to better living conditions, including diet.
Blood pressure is also affected by other factors including exercise, stress level, diet and sleep.
The study showed that lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, can reduce the odds of developing diabetes by 58%.
A: A range of environmental factors, including infections, medications, diet, and pollutants, may be to blame.
In my own practice, I find that there are many reasons for fertility problems, including food allergies, poor diet, obesity, and stress.
Talking to your doctor about your lifestyle habits, including diet, and exercise.