Metropolis International also offer Smartsave discounts to consumers through a variety of distribution channels including guide books, street maps, directories and mobile applications.
Ability to edit many filetypes and sources including remotely located files (with mplayer/ffmpeg libraries), and directories of images (rotoscoping).
Cygnus Business Media publishes 31 business-to-business portals, 37 business-to-business media products including trade magazines, directories and cards, and produces 34 trade shows.
The publication and its website ( offer inside information about the music business, including specialized directories of contact information about music professionals and Free Classifieds for musicians.
Between 1913 and 2008, the library stock increased from 12,000 volumes to two million including 17th and 18th century texts, maps, local Media and directories.
Hotline Two version 2.2 is a memory-resident program that in effect supercharges the telephone, giving the user fast access to thousands of telephone numbers and addresses, including customized directories.
Virtual societies; these exist only on the internet and provide basic services, including directories of actual meeting places as outlined above.
Other sources of HIV/AIDS information, including other organizations, databases, newsletters, dictionaries, and directories.
In the past, independent contractors for professional services were located and hired by various means, including recommendation and directories (e.g. yellow pages).
Instead of a complete fork of Wikipedia however, Wikipiniana was to be a "hipper" and "freer" version, including almanac lists and directories.