The lawsuit makes eight charges against the Olympic committee, including misrepresentation, wrongful termination and racial discrimination.
All eight candidates discussed various topics including education, poverty, unemployment, racial discrimination, and health in the black community.
More than 250 march participants asked to fight against patriarchal forms of inequality, including sexism, discrimination, "kitchen slavery", and domestic violence.
Students transplanted into urban schools face adversity, including isolation, culture shock, and discrimination from their peers .
Young Bahrainis, like their parents, divide along sectarian lines on most issues, including discrimination in employment and political representation.
Some experts think that social and economic factors - including discrimination and economic inequality - are responsible for this difference.
I hope that any discrimination will be stopped, including discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
However, there are a number of aspects to improve, including corruption, organised crime, discrimination and the freedom of the press.
There is discrimination, including structural discrimination, against Christians in various Islamic countries.
"That's when they come forward and approach legal services, more than any other complaints, including housing or discrimination."