Funding for the project comes from a number of sources, including research grants and charitable donations.
More than $9,000 was raised, including donations from astronauts, enough to build a new grill.
Annual contributions now total $1.2 million, including donations from corporations and foundations.
He has also received letters of support, some including small donations.
Fundraising for this project came in many forms, including donations from industries, corporations, individuals and foreign governments.
The cinema also had to raise $250,000 in matching funds, including donations of goods.
Most of the money comes from private fund-raising efforts, she said, including several annual dinner dances, foundations and personal donations.
By the end of the event, $22,805 had been raised, including donations from Penn and Teller themselves.
She has taken high profile positions on a range of issues including corporate and union donations to political campaigns.
Including private donations, more than $500,000 has been raised for the award.