Disengaged cliques did not encourage engagement "in much of anything, including drinking."
Given his age and history of health problems, including heavy drinking, he made a remarkable recovery.
Dalziel has been forced to confront the health problems caused by years of unhealthy living, including heavy drinking.
- Germans would have to surrender their own cultural habits, including drinking, and absolutely prove they were Americans.
As the trial unfolded, the court heard much about his personal problems, including excessive drinking, a nervous breakdown and abuse of medications.
The death of his friend sends Burroughs into a relapse, including drinking, cocaine and crack.
The tank also provides structural support to the roof, and excess water is used for domestic use including drinking.
Larkin said that he had given up some bad habits, including drinking, in order to better focus on his animating career.
Men don't like to give up bad habits - including drinking and smoking - to reap the full benefits of their medicines.