This is due to a number of factors, including drought, disease, animal foraging, logging practices, fire suppression, and a variety of other human impacts.
Sadly, however, various phenomena including deforestation, drought and soil erosion have resulted in decreased incomes for these families.
The plant tolerates a wide range of conditions, including frost, drought and atmospheric pollution.
Officials have predicted slower growth in the first quarter because of a number of factors, including an unstable political climate, high interest rates and drought.
Environmental factors including drought, waterlogging, and river-bank erosion also contribute to internal migration.
They are also capable of tolerating less than optimal conditions, including drought and stagnant water.
It is a hardy plant that tolerates a wide range of soils and conditions, including drought and moderate frost.
Gorse thrives in poor growing areas and conditions including drought; it is sometimes found on very rocky soils, where many species cannot thrive.
The plant tolerates poor cultural conditions, including heat, drought and poor soil.
This proposal, not unlike the others, carries with it considerable risks, including increased drought or acid rain.