His work has also covered other industries including water and energy.
The Parker campaign had several banner issues, including energy, education, health care, and economic development.
Overall consumer prices, including food and energy, were up only 1.4 percent last month in China from a year earlier.
The annual inflation rate through November, including food and energy, was 3.5 percent.
In several areas, including natural resorces, environment, energy, science and space, there are cuts below the 1987 budget.
Including food and energy, prices rose 2.9 percent, the same pace as the month before.
Including food and energy, prices rose at a 2.9 percent rate, the same pace as in February.
Including volatile energy and food prices, it actually fell 0.9 percent.
The union opposes the administration on numerous issues, including the environment and energy.
The strategy covers a wide range of policies, including security, energy and climate change.