The book also reveals profiles of major characters including birthdays and favorites.
At the meal's outset, no fewer than 27 appetizers beckon, including familiar favorites and a few successful strangers.
Some 70 works from the Modern's collection will be on display in a 7,000-square-foot gallery, including favorites like Picasso's "Demoiselles d'Avignon."
A six-member band, The Volunteers focuses on contemporary popular music, including (but not limited to) rock, pop, country, R&B, and patriotic favorites.
This restaurant offers a varied menu, including pizza, Mexican favorites and pasta.
The album is a two-disc set, with 21 tracks including old favorites, some rare songs, and a couple of new ones.
Nine riders, including several favorites, were suspended.
Many plants, including favorites like hollies, hawthorns and willows, attract flies rather than bees, moths or other insects.
The park has about 25 rides, including a rollercoaster, the Water Monkey, a play area and other traditional favorites.
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