Special extras including live footage are two hidden "before they were Mars Ill" video clips.
A video including footage of these shows was released for the song 'Nothin' you can do'.
A video showing some of his achievements, including footage of him with President Obama, has just been shown.
The television crews, however, came away with more than eight hours of tape, including footage and sound recorded inside the Berger home.
The archive features performances that have taken place at the festival from 1937 to 2010, including footage rarely seen.
The 2-disc boxset contains extensive special features including interviews, photo galleries and rare footage.
The film was later released on DVD, including extra footage and cast interviews.
However, the film also uses a variety of other mixed media including water colors, computer graphics, live-action shots, and archival footage.
A music video including live footage of the band performing the song was released on 2 February 2011.
Here's a quick video of some of the stuff I've been doing - including footage of me crossing the line for my new world record!