The Pretorius Square lies in front of the building including fountains and maintained gardens.
The mall contains a variety of unique including fountains and sculptures.
Plans originally intended the facility to be multi-purpose, including an indoor pool, auditorium, and large outdoor fountains.
There was an extensive deer park with formal gardens including fountains and statues.
Extensive public open space, including fountains, is a feature of the Square.
The design picks up on Moorish themes, including several fountains and an atrium with blue-and-yellow tiles.
There are many scenic areas in the park including waterfalls, fountains, ponds and a stone garden.
His career was spent largely on papal commissions, including aqueducts and fountains, in and around Rome.
It took several design cues from Kauffman Stadium, including fountains beyond the outfield wall.
Falkenstein received many high-profile commissions for large public art pieces, including sculptures, fountains, and screens.