The trail along the valley is very rough but contains a great display of remnant vegetation including native grasses.
The larvae feed on various plant, including grasses, violets, plantain and clover.
The larvae probably feed on Poaceae, including grasses, sedges and restios.
Woodlands may support an understory of shrubs and herbaceous plants including grasses.
The larvae feed on various plants including grasses.
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including dandelion, plantain, grasses and willow.
Many plants, including conifers and grasses, produce lightweight pollen which is carried by wind to neighboring plants.
Monocotyledons, including grasses and sedges, form tussocks of hard, often silicious leaves that protect the growing points within.
A few species of flowering plants, including several grasses, are found on the Antarctic Peninsula.
It has been considered threatening in areas where it has disturbed or prevented the growth of native plants, including grasses and trees.