"They're interacting very well with the people, including kids," he said.
He works to squash a rebel disruption of the power structure by simply murdering everyone; including kids.
"On Earth, more than five out of six didn't, including kids and women."
It is bringing people in during the day, including kids getting off the train.
Where the kids went to school, including teachers, classmates, and kids outside of their class that they played with at recess.
"They told people who lived here they couldn't walk down the block, including kids who were coming home from school."
I serve all the people in the Georgia's Second District, including kids like you.
And reggaetón appeals totally across the board, including general-market kids.
During the day, you have everybody there, including young kids.
Angela, in a telephone interview last week, argued that case: "Everyone is entitled to their rights, including kids.