And violence - including the killing of three people in recent months - is on the rise.
"They do everything themselves, including the killing of the lobster," she said.
Murder is so routine, including the killing of children, it doesn't even warrant serious news coverage in most cases.
In 1999, the Court heard the case and found that the government had committed violations of human rights, including extrajudicial killings.
Incidents including killings were reported during August as peasants disputed rights to land ownership.
Since then, there has been continued sporadic violence, including killings, leading to human rights condemnations.
Their house in Birmingham was searched, the police say, after two slayings, including the killing of the sons' uncle.
It includes much violence, including cold-blooded killings by soldiers.
Officials said that he has also provided information about other murders, including the killing of one of the other defendants in the window case.
Five true-crime cases, including the long-unsolved killing of a former marine's estranged wife.