Aligned on the government's side were the Republicans, including liberals, socialists, Communists, and anarchists.
He used that spotlight over the weekend to appeal to the base of his party, including blacks and liberals.
The Bolsheviks began to struggle for power with other factions, including the provisional government, liberals, royalists, democratic socialists, and Mensheviks.
Critics, including liberals and Democrats, often called for shifting the reliance for revenues from property taxes to income and other taxes.
Others, including liberals like us, are banned, harassed and otherwise blocked for preaching our message.
The SVP is a diverse party including Christian democrats, conservatives, social democrats and liberals.
The movement draws adherents from people of diverse political beliefs including liberals, conservatives, and libertarians.
But a wide band of economists, including conservatives and liberals, still see the deficit as a root cause of the nation's economic weakness.
At least 246 members of Congress, including both liberals and conservatives, have expressed doubts or outright opposition.
He was supported by many fellow law professors, including liberals who argued that his conservative philosophy should not be a deciding factor.