In the early 1990s, there were five women's societies promoting various issues of importance to women, including literacy and health.
She has been involved in various causes, including breast cancer awareness and literacy.
This is due to many factors including low literacy and other communication challenges that are a barrier for people with intellectual disabilities.
Here he continued to labour and educate local inhabitants in various subjects, including literacy, health and religion.
The prison offers a range of full and part-time education including information technology, literacy, numeracy and life/social skills.
Grades K-6, core subjects with enrichment curriculum, including literacy, technology, study skills, theater arts, and physical education.
These are developed by a variety of stakeholders worldwide in a wide range of subjects, including literacy, computers, business, environment, community development and much more.
She has contributed to many charitable causes, including literacy.
There is, however, considerable concern amongst employers about basic skills including literacy and numeracy.
A plethora of other subjects can be integrated in the blocks center, including literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, art, and technology.