In some cases, the doctor may take an X-ray to see the structures inside your chest, including the heart, lungs, and bones.
It may spread from the main tumor site (in the kidney) to other parts of the body, including the bone and lung.
Infants born early are more likely to be low weight and suffer complicated health problems including underdeveloped lungs.
Transplants, including heart, liver, lungs and kidneys, are not experimental in most cases.
Their unique characteristics include adaptations to the very high altitude of the region, including enlarged lungs.
During this time she also suffered numerous injuries including punctured lungs and broken foot.
A meta-analysis at specific cancer sites, including breast, lung, and leukemia, has also been performed.
Symptoms of these diseases can affect many different body systems, including joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart, and lungs.
Thoracic organs, including hearts and lungs, have to be transplanted extremely quickly.
Millennium is now testing Velcade for use in more common cancers, including lung and colorectal.