And $935,000 came from the sale of exhibition space at the annual convention to companies including makers of soft drinks and candy.
Investors especially favored large industrial companies, including makers of chemicals, autos and electrical equipment, which are most likely to benefit from a stronger recovery.
It was too early to tell whether Eastern's unsecured creditors, including makers of aircraft and engines, or the company's unions would realize anything from the sales.
All these factors make electronics companies, including makers of microchips, attractive again.
The senator said he "entered the controversy after hearing from constituents in his home state, including both consumers and makers of dietary supplements".
In Indonesia, there are hundreds of kretek manufacturers, including small local makers and major brands.
And, she said, several other categories of advertisers - including makers of clothing, sneakers and even microwave meals - are now chasing the children's market.
While this initially mainly hit consumer web sites, it has spread to encompass nearly all internet-related activities, including makers of personal computers.
Elevation Partners invests in consumer and media companies, including small, independent makers of video games.
But others have entered the arena, including makers of kiosk interfaces and software that market their products under retailers' labels.