There are a number of good sites for general information on online privacy, including legislative measures.
The church has embarked on a membership drive, including such measures as special Masses for young families.
Some foreign diplomats worry that the authorities could institute a new policy including forced abortions and other harsh measures.
The data form the basis for official Government reports on economic growth, including the gross domestic product, personal income and several broad measures of inflation.
Some clauses including measures relating to the European single market, which have not yet been revealed, will also be included.
The candidates advocated similar policies, including measures against slavery, which persists in the country.
He said only that officials wanted to learn about Chinese plans, including measures to liberalize its economy.
The agency's Web site ( is full of information on these issues, including legal measures present and pending.
We are ready to look at any possibility, including measures that would help the social rehabilitation of ex-prisoners.
The report contains suggestions, including temporary measures of positive discrimination.