Many people came here, including townspeople, clergy, knights, and merchants.
By 1930 each of these markets had a population of about 500 including resident foreign merchants.
The rebellious troops killed several hundred northerners, including government officials, army officers, and merchants.
Lauder's music appealed to all, including workers, merchants, royalty and presidents.
In 1894 the Kraków branch had 1,200 members, including doctors, land owners, merchants and artists.
Houses in the Georgetown area of the city are reported to be haunted by figures from colonial times, including slaves, merchants and children.
More than 30 men were executed, including military commanders, merchants and clerics.
By the year 1400, 800 inhabitants lived here including merchants, bankers, and scholars.
His original crew was one hundred and seven, including cooks and merchants.
York was self-governing, with a council made up of rich locals, including merchants, and veteran soldiers.