They would require employers to make "reasonable" accommodations for disabled workers, including modifications of equipment and work schedules.
Several changes have been made to the building over the years, including enlargements and modifications in 1951, 1974, 1980 and 2001.
Cumulative changes are also tracked, including additions, deletions, and modifications to requirements.
Implementation of most decisions, including modifications to the Articles, required unanimous approval of all thirteen state legislatures.
There are many proposed solutions to this problem, including modifications to benefit levels and covered services, taxes, or promoting individual accounts.
Over the years, more than 100 variants of the basic design were created, including modifications introduced on Spanish and Czech production lines after the war.
But much can be done, including medicines and behavioral modifications, to maintain the person's quality of life and to help the person stay active.
Several additions and adaptations have been made, including modifications to accommodate the change to an intermediate school.
It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures.
As a result changes were made to the Overdrive circuit, including modifications to the phase inverter and preamp.