There are still about 40 I.R.A. prisoners, including several convicted murderers of policemen, in prison in Ireland.
As an orderly in the High Court, he saw all sorts of bad people, including murderers.
Including murderers, they had served 35 percent of their sentences.
In 2003, about 17,000 rape files produced more than 15,000 DNA profiles of rapists, including serial rapists and murderers.
Eventually, the game gives the player the task of arresting fugitive felons, including murderers.
Jacques Édouard, the jail supervisor, said he was forced to release 73 prisoners, including convicted murderers.
Mr. Dach also said that last year almost a quarter of Federal prison inmates, including some convicted drug traffickers and murderers, had received furloughs.
And there he interviewed more than 100 violent felons, including murderers and rapists.
They said Washington was particularly concerned about reports that 200 inmates of a prison here, including murderers and rapists, had escaped during the storm.
He is the patron saint of very many groups, including thieves and murderers.