The horses will be joined by 800 human performers, including riders, dancers and musicians.
Many well-known people have lived in town, including numerous actors, musicians and other entertainers.
Sadly this article is about money and that's what the music industry, including musicians, are almost exclusively about these days.
Criminal charges are pending against more than a score of other people, including musicians and the club's owner.
"At any given time you have close to 150 to 200 people, including musicians, using it."
The company employed 21 people including graphic artists, developers and musicians.
Other defendants, including writers and musicians, were given long jail terms.
In addition it is often supplemented with cultural activities for children, including musicians or drama.
His work has had a significant effect on toy manufacturers, as well as street culture, including artists and musicians, throughout world.
Rocket Hub is an established crowd funding platform open to anyone including musicians.