The work incorporates a number of styles and genres, including documentary, as well as sociological observations.
The next morning they again accessed the Caltech logs, including observations from several additional nights.
His early career was spent on solar studies, including observations of sunspots and derivations of the rotation period.
Bates's account of his stay, including observations of nature and the people around him, occupies his book.
Ecotourism, including bird watching and common observations of nature, shall be further developed though.
With the return to a full six-member crew the station can resume full-time science operations, including medical research, physics experiments and astronomical observations.
This asteroid was identified in 1988, and the orbit was determined using data including pre-discovery observations going back to 1971.
Newton arrived at his three laws of motion from an extensive study of empirical data including many astronomical observations.
It also briefly describes the importance of gathering behavioral data, including observations of the parents who commit the criminal acts.
There is significant evidence to back up that assertion by Republicans, including polls, voter interviews and observations even of Democrats in closely contested states.