He recited a long list of capos who had been arrested, including El Chayo's first cousin.
Nine people were murdered at the project last year, including Ms. Rivera's cousin and uncle.
Sims also recorded with other blues musicians, including his cousin Hopkins, and appears on several of their records.
Nine other teachers were removed from the village school here, including Mr. Li's cousin and the headmaster.
Masaya has taught numerous artists, including his cousin Eddie.
I am not aware that any were, and by the same token, no one should be penalized, including my cousin.
As a result, 23 people fell to their deaths through two stories, including the groom's 80-year-old grandfather and his three-year-old second cousin, the youngest victim.
He is glad to be mistaken for his valet by everyone, including his cousin, when he returns to England.
The prosecution also called eye witnesses, including Jane Kowalski and King's cousin.
Seven classmates, including his cousin, would die in combat in the Civil War.