Everyone, including her husband and me, tried to reassure her.
She tried to enlist a male scoutmaster first, but no one, including her husband, wanted the job.
About 15 people had keys to the residence, including a housekeeper and her husband.
But nobody in that room, including my husband, seemed to see a choice in the matter.
In 1975, she explained, a group of officers, including her husband, planned a coup.
Brother Martin appeared and pointed to four of the men, including my husband.
She faced the problem virtually alone, they said, because most of the other family members, including her husband, live in Peru.
Sage knew Caris better than anybody else in the room, including her husband.
So far, four men have been charged, including Harding's former husband and bodyguard.
She could, Shelby concluded, quietly dominate anyone, including her husband.